Being a positive influence in our community is important to us here at Symons Group so when we were asked to be part of the Roadsafe Taranaki advanced driver training days we jumped at the chance. This locally driven initiative saw over 150 young, and some not so young, drivers exposed to learning they may not otherwise have been part of. During the day groups of learners completed practical training on the dangers of driveway runovers, driving while impaired, a simulator that allows drivers to feel the force of a low speed collision, emergency braking and experiencing under steer and oversteer situations.
Our part of the weekend was to allow these young drivers to see things from a heavy vehicle driver’s point of view. We set a unit up and spread road cones, push bikes, people and even hid a couple of cars in blind spots. We also took the opportunity to educate those attending on just how much room we need to negotiate corners, the dangers of undertaking a truck and the distance we need to stop in an emergency situation. It’s fair to say surprise was one of the more common reactions, including from a few parents we got up in the driver’s seat.
What a privilege to be part of this awesome initiative. Hats off to Roadsafe Taranaki for putting it all together and being part of the solution.